Our Team

Our Team

Lynne Lund

Lynne Lund is a well known advocate in Prince Edward Island, and has dedicated her life to making positive change. As a political organizer, Lund has a long history of bringing people together around shared goals and values. She is known for her strong leadership, effective communication, strategic thinking, organizational skills and flexibility.

Through her work as an organizer, Lynne has developed a reputation as a skilled consensus builder. She understands that building consensus is critical to achieving lasting change, and she has honed her skills in this area over many years. She has a knack for identifying issues that are important to the community and developing strategies for bringing about change.

As a member of the provincial legislature, she authored several bills aimed at improving social and environmental outcomes. Lynne’s ground-breaking work on NDA legislation has been hailed as a game-changer in Canada. Her legislation has been instrumental in bringing attention to harm caused by gag clauses and has paved the way for similar legislation in the works currently across the country.

Her tireless work has made a lasting impact on the people of Prince Edward Island, and she continues to be a powerful advocate for environmental issues, social justice and human rights.

Our Team

Trish Altass

Trish Altass combines a background in qualitative and community-based research with first-hand experience in policy and legislation development.

Trish holds a Masters degree in Sociology with a focus on critical and feminist theories. Her research work has spanned areas of work and labour, education and poverty elimination. She has experience working with stakeholders and grassroots organizations to develop research strategies that are inclusive and create safe spaces for collaborative engagement.

As a former member of the PEI Legislative Assembly, Trish advocated for positive social change and authored several motions and bills including pay transparency amendments that were a first in Canada. She also chaired the Special Committee on Poverty in PEI that put forward recommendations for a Basic Income Guarantee.

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